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Paravento Risacca windscreen composed of 3 separate panels with integrated Bluetooth® speaker

Designer : Gaetano Pesce
Collection : Paravento Risacca

정가 ₩88,943,000
정가 ₩133,623,000 판매 가격 ₩88,943,000
33% OFF 솔드 아웃
세금 포함. 배송 결제시 계산.
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The breath of the sea in a work of art

Waves breaking on the shore become a masterpiece designed by Gaetano Pesce. A limited edition item, produced in nine exemplars.


The scent of the sea and the coming and going of waves on the shore are represented by Gaetano Pesce in the Risacca screen. A true work of art, crafted and decorated by hand in nine numbered exemplars, Risacca portrays the vibrant colours of the sea and, thanks to research and development by Cassina, recreates its enveloping sound, delivering a totally immersive experience, as the artist imagined it: “The piece begins to express itself, beyond the visual, also through another sense: hearing. Thus, the functionality completes itself for greater expression”. Risacca is a window from which to expand one’s horizons during everyday moments. Made up of three individual panels in polyurethane resin, the screen is created by hand through a series of intricate processes that make each detail unique. In a celebration of Cassina’s productive excellence, the transparent resin is first poured into a wooden mould and, once solidified, decorated by hand with various pigmented resins, as if it were the canvas of a painting. With a decorative technique similar to oil painting, the various layers of colour are applied, first with a brush and then with a spatula, while the resin thickens, transforming from liquid to a viscous state, a particularly complex transition that must take place quickly, in less than ten minutes. During this extremely textural process, each gesture by the artist is impressed in the resin and the various layers overlap, lending a three-dimensional quality that creates the ripples on the sea. The triptych of panels reproduces the sound of the waves through a Bluetooth speaker located in one of the six burnished brass bases. The correspondence between the vivid colours and the moving sound of the sea makes it possible to lose oneself in the imaginary world of Pesce.

The three panels that form the screen, attached to six brass bases, are made by casting a transparent resin in a wooden mould, similar in effect to oil painting, that impresses the artist’s every brush stroke on the material, imbuing the work with the three-dimensional quality that makes it unique.

A Bluetooth speaker located in the base of the centre panel reproduces the sound of the sea, completing the functionality of the work with sound, as imagined by Gaetano Pesce, for a totally immersive experience.

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