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Parasol Beach umbrella

Designer : Dirk Wynants
Collection : Parasol

정가 ₩24,930,000
정가 ₩33,949,000 판매 가격 ₩24,930,000
27% OFF 솔드 아웃
세금 포함. 배송 결제시 계산.
주문타입 프리오더(주문 후 제작 시작)
제작기간 2개월~ (제품에 따라 상이)
배송방식 해상운송
배송기간 2~3개월
유의사항 제작 과정에서 지연이 발생할 수 있으며, 제작 완료 이전에는 일정 안내가 불가능합니다. 충분한 여유를 두고 구매해주세요.
주문특약 주문 후 7일 뒤부터 취소가 불가능하며, 취소 시 위약금 30%가 발생합니다.

Horizontal convenience

Innovation through re-thinking the act of opening and closing the patio umbrella, making it even easier and more practical, as is the case with this accessory in the Cassina Outdoor collection.



Ideal for an outdoor living room as well as informal or elegant outdoor spaces, the patio umbrella combines the flat design aesthetic with a fan-opening system that allows it to be opened and closed horizontally rather than vertically.

The 360° swivel base, available with or without wheels and the fan-opening technology with fiberglass ribs ensure this is a dramatic outdoor accessory when it’s open and elegant and discreet when it’s closed.

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