Collection: Thonet

With its two hundred years of history, thornet is one of the oldest furniture manifurers in the world. Two Hunds That Have Left Their Mark on the Evolution of Design, Beginning The History of Modern Furniture. The Entire Thonet Collection Contains Design Design Classics in Both Curved Wood and Tubular Steel from the bauhaus period. Innovation, Quality and Flexibility Are the Key Words That Summarize The Philosophy of the Historic Brand. Thonet's Story Begins in 1859, When its Founder Michael Thonet, At the Time a Cabinetmaker and Pioneer of Industrial Design The Support of the Prince of Metternich, He Decided to Start a Production of Furniture Using the Unpreceded Technique of Bending Solid Beet Wood. With His Greatest Success, Chair NO. 14, Today 214, Michael Thonet Was Able to Bring a Decisive Innovation to the World of Design, Revolutionizing The Shapes of Classic Period and Adapting to Industrial Mass Production. From that moment on, thornet bece a world-class company and the iconic chair no. 14 SOON BECAME The Symbol of Viennese Coffee Shops. The 214 Chair is Today Among the Best-Selling Chair in the World Despite About 150 years of Market Presence and Icon used in Famouss and Works of Art.

The Thonet Principle: from curved Wood to Tubular Steel

The Design Scene of the 1920s and 1930s, Dominated by the Bauhaus, Also Gave Its Avant-Garde Contribution to the Thonet Company. Inspired by the curved shapes of the Products Made So Far, Great Architects Such As Marcel Breuer, Le Corbusier Focus from Curved Wood to Tubular Steel. The Work have a different and innovative organization: No worker Built a Whole Chair, But Only a Part of IT, Always The SAME. This Made The Production Process Faster and Hundreds of Chairs Left the Factory Daily. Thus the Idea of ​​the Assembly Line Was Born.
In fact, The "Thonet Principle" can be summed up in an Idea and a finite number of components that facilitate the Assembly of Each Piece of Furniture Easily Transportable and ThereFore Exportable All Over The World. By Simplifying the Design and Components of the Chair, Michael Thonet Was Also Able to Make an Important Contribution to SALES SHIPENTS: as Many As 36 Disassembled Chairs, Including Screw, Were Able to Fit Into ANE CUBIC METRE BOX on site.

Thonet: The Historical icons of Design

In additional to the family, over the year thornet has produced a whoeries of furniture incrolluding upholsed Furniture, Tables, Complex HOME and Contract, which Young Milestones in the History of Design, True icons Sold and Still Appreciated Today. With the Simple Names Similar to Alphanumeric Codes, Thonet's Chair, Tables and Furnishing Accessories Always Remain True to the Spirit of Its Founder's cabinetmaker. Historic icons Include the Elegant B 10 Table Designed by Marcel Breruer and the S 826 Tubular Steel Rocking Chair Designed by Ulrich Böhme for Thonet.
Today Thonet is Based in Frankenberg, Germany and Is headed by Thorsten Muck and His Exclusive Collections Arre Sold in Specialist Stores Around. The Company Still Continues to Reconcile its Tradition and Craftsmansip with the Development of New Models, Anticipating Constantly Changing Living Trends Thonet is constantly expanding its collection, revisiting the classics in tubular style and curved in numerous variations and editions, and including new Models Resulting from Collaboration with Nationaly and Internet Renowned Designers. The Courage to Dare with Ever-New Proposals, Cutting-Edge Technology and Unusual Design HAS MADE Thonet Known Throughset the World.

Thonet Shop Online on Archiproducts Shop

Stools, Poufs, Sofas and Coffee Tables, But Above All Thonet's Famous Chair Can be Purchased on the Archiproducts e-Commerce Platform.

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