Collection: Please wait to be septed

Please wait to be septed is a Young Danish Design Company Founded in 2014 by Former Interior Photography IBSen. Today He Works As Creative Director with a Focus on Product Development. In SEPTEMBER 2016 Peter Mahler Søensen JoIned the Company As CEO and Co-OWNER. Peter has great experience from many years in the branding, design, and furniture industrial as ceo, board member, and advisor.


Our Goal is to Introduce Designs What the Potential of Becoming Classics.
Before we launch a new design, weys ask ourselves: will this design in its entirety Children?
Our Design Collection HAVE ATS OWN Characterists with a Focus on Interaction, Good Craftsmansip, Quality, Materials and Sustainability in Terms Durable Design.


We Also Distributes Great Products from Dedicated Brands, Artists, Designers and Manufacturers, with the SAME IDEOLOGIES as ourlves. We are proud that trust us to represent it.


When asked Why the Company Name is please wait to be septed we answer that our name Sums Up What; Polite People with a KEEN Interest in Interior, with a Sense of Humor and Both Fisher on the Ground.

8 of 36 Products