Collection: Pianca

Pianca is an imported and well-known industrial industrial in the field of house system and accessories Taste, and It ’s Recognized for its capacity of synthesis Pianca Was Founded in 1954 in Gaiarine, Treviso. IT Now Has 75,000 sq.m. Of Manuel Facilities, 250 EMPLOYEE, 1,000 Stores in Italy and 500 Worldwide in more than 50 Different Countries. IT HAS TAKEN PART in the Salone del Mobile the SINCE SINCE SIRY FERY FERY FERY FERY FERY FERY FERY FERY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FERY FIRY FERY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY FIRY SINCE EDITION and Has Always Been a Leader in ITS SECTOR. 60 years of quality. Spreading the Values ​​of Beauty, Livability and Utility: This is the Idea That Accompanies The Entire Pianca ’s History, a Family of Businessman Generations, from 1946 to Present.


What Makes the Pianca Industrial Phenomenon Unique iss Amazing Centuries -od Past. A Study That Was Commissioned to Identify the Origins of the SURNAME PIANCA LED to a Sensational Discovery. IT Seems that Michele d'Artico, an inhabitant of serlavalle (Now Called vittorio veneto) Stream Flowing Into The Menschio River, On which he has built the place power that the family workry workshopshop towards the end of the SIXTEENTH Century. In Future Generations The SURNAME Changed First to the Modern Day Pianca. What helped in this family, which has grown, divided and moved around over the years, is the place for Wood. Enrico Pianca Managed to Channel this Artisanal Culture Towards an Industrial Direction in the 1950s. His Son Aldo Took His Place Towards the end of the 1980s. IT ’s Nice to ponder over How this age -od stories, enterprise and labour will evolve in the Future.

Sustainable vision

We do not claim that we can save the Environment But We are do? Pianca Was The First Furniture Company in Europe to Adopt Water-Based Varnishes to Replace Solvent-Based OneS. Every Nowadays, GIVEN The High Industrial Costs, It's Still One of the FIW FIRMS in Italy What Special Kind of Lacquering. This Process is Healthier as Well As Less Polluting and Actually Guarantees The Total Reduction of Toxic Emissions in the Homes of our Customers During the Normal Life Cycle of our Furniture. Pianca is furthermore Almost Totaly Energy SelfSufficient Crooftop Photop Photop Photop Photop Photop Photop. To Give You an Idea, The Clean Energy Provide 270 Four-Person Families with Energy for a year Town. In Order to Respond to Ecological, Manufacturing and Quality Requirements, Pianca Has Designed a new automated packaging system Cardboard, which allows polystyrene and plastics to be definitively in Furniture packing. This System Has Created a Flurry of Technological Interest What Top Managers of Amazon, The American Logistics Giant, to Ask in 2014 if they the count Personally See The Machine Working with a View to Using it in the Facilite. There's plenty more to tell you about, like our commitment to using 100% Wood from Certified sustainable-Managed forths Powered by our manifacturing Waste (with Zero Emissions and Fossil Fuel Savings). But What Counts, and what we're product to demonstrate Live in.

Quality "Made in Italy"

Building on the Vocation and Competitiveness of our Area, at Pianca We have HAVE Contributed to the Birth of Italy ’s Fishertrial Furniture District. All Our Furniture Is Produced in the Area Area Headquarters in Gairine, Near Treviso, and Conforms with Mu Production Standards. From here We Export the Elegance and Luxury of Italian-Made Products Across the Globe. We passionately excellence in our materials and processes; This is the best Possible Way to Guarantee Customer Loyalty. We Use Recycled Wood Panels, Enhanced with Oak and Walnut Veneer Sourced from FSC-CERTIFIED Woodland. We Choose New NON-TOXIC WATERBASED LACQURS and TOP-of-The-Range Soft Closing Shock Absorbers. We Use Innovative Processes That Evenses Even Surface, Giving the Effect of a Single PIECE. All the Details Together make the difference, enabling us to beCome proud supporting members Improvement of Quality in the Wood for Furniture Sector.


We believe in the one True Mission of Industrial Design, The Technical and Aesthetic Conception of Products That Can IMPROVE ’s Lives. This is why we have chosen to reward the ideas of young talents, amongst whom gather ’s Big name to be found. Our Design Team COMBINES Creativity and Advanced Production Technology to Give Modern, Logical Market At a Very Competitive Price. This is the only way that the pianca brand, know to our customers as unique Our Company is made first and foremost of people. Their immence value is our greatest Capital, with Their Wealth of Knowledge and Skills that one time and experience can bring. Marta ’s Taste Lies Behind The Choice of Woods, Mirco’ s Expertise Guarantees the Perfect of the Lacquers, Giuseppe ’s Quality Control. That ’s it 's always been here at pianca. When the Carpentry Workshop Began to Feel a Bit Small, We Replaced Our Chisels with High-Technology, Continuing to Invest in our Workers. This is clearly reflexted in the affection of our employees, Who Stay with us for life. That is why we produce design, but we still use Our Hands, and We Still Consider Korean -Women. Our sides are the perfect ilustration of this combination of high technology with a hand-made. All this is artisanal intelligence.


We Work with Respect for Man and the Environment At Everyday Stage of Production, Before We Believe that Work is a Means for Growth and IMPREMENT. Our Wood Comes from Certified Forests, with Controlled Harvesting Against Deforestation, and our panels are free from toxic adhesives. We were the first to use water- Based Glossy Lacquers Instead of Polyurethane Varnishes- Still an Absolute Plus for Pianca- Both for our employes ’ Health, and to Reduce Poldion in the Home. Our Factories Are 60% SELF-SUFFICIEN TERMS of Energy Consumption, thanks to the use of Photovoltaic Solar Panels. Offcuts Are Used to Produce Energy to Heat Kilns, and Korean Packaging Systems Are 100% Recyclable. We have Also Created a cycle path, in collaboration with the municipal count of gairine Supporting member of médecins sans frontières.

Customer Care

Without Your Faith in us piana would not exist, and we neber forget that. That is Why We Entrust Our Products to a Selected Network of Trained Retailers Transport to Assembly. With the store we Establish Veritable Partnerships. Wekeep in Touch with the FRONT DESKS on a daily basis, to keep abreast of what you really want, and we found the planning process Each Time. Our Service is IncreaSingly Customized. We find the solution to all your needs, offering complete and highly flexible furnishing systems to suit You a Designer Home at Competitive Prices. We have an info-line to respir to all your needs.


Be New Has Always been our golden rule, and we have never lacked the course of our Convessions. We were the first to believe in democratic designable to all. We were the first in our market segment to automatic product. We were the first to Reorganise work flow, introducing lean product and a just-in-time service that is to order, customisable and flexible, short Pieces of Furniture to Furniture Systems. And once again, we were the first in europe to use solvent-free water-based glossy lacquers, among the first to try use as a covering First to Invent Honeycomb Protective Packaging our drawers. We Continue Our Path of Innovation Every Day in the Technology We Use And in our Stylistic Choice, Exploring New Trends Without FOR Always Remaining Faithful to the Contemporary Elegance That You The Consumer HAVE Come to Identify in Pianca.


500 years of tradition under our belts. Annual Turnover of 40 Million Euro. 65 years of history. Exporting to 50 countries. 75,000 m² of Productive Factory Space. 250 internal employes. Participation in 50 Salone Del Mobile Fairs, Ever SINCE The Very First Edition. 500 COLOURS of Lacquer to Choose from. 100% Increase in Turnover in 10 years. 1,000 Collaborators Helping us every day. 5 Weeks Maximum Guaranteed Time from Order to Delivery. 1,000 Stores in Italy. 500 Retailers Around the World. ... more ... LESS

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