Collection: Moroso

The Moroso Company, Founded in 1952, Produces Upholesed Furniture and High-End Seating in Collaboration with the Best International Designers. SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR, MOROSO HAS BEEN ABEEN ABLE TO COMBINE ITS STRONG KNOWEDGE of craftsmanship and tailoring with industrial; ITS Unique Lies in the Combination of Design, Contemporary Art and Fashion, to Offer Products of the Highest Quality. In fact, Moroso Represents The Evolution of the Italian Company That is Based on the Figure of the Artepreneur and Sees the Fulcrum in which business history has taken and developed. Founded by Agostino Moroso, Today the Furniture Company is headed by Roberto Moroso, Managing Director, and Patizia Moroso, Artistic Director. Moroso Creates and Customizes Special Market. His Collections Convey Stylistic and Formal Research, Design and Production Experience. The Company Can Count on the Talent of Over Seventy Master Craftsmen in Its Own Production Atelier, Who, Together with the Network of Excellent SupplierS Use of the Highest Quality Materials, Make every Single Product Unique. Moroso's Design is Based on Research, Values, Talent, Know-How and Links with the Territory, All ELEMENTS That Allow the Company to Offer Unique Products. Moroso Is Synonymous with Quality: Materials, Linked to the Attation of Master Craftsmen and Attail; Design, associated with personalization; Culture, which coincides with the abuse to interpret the different sensibilities of designers; Ethics, as a Commitment to Continuing a Business Model Aimed at Knowledge, with Respect for the People What.

Moroso Design, Between Formal and Stylistic Research

Moroso's history is intertwined with that of internationally renowned designers, with whom he has woven important collaborations over time. An Example of this is the one with the argentinean Alfredo häberli Multi-Functionality and Therefores for Interaction Between PEOPLE, and Whose Philosophy is Giveen by Organic lines and soft asymmetries. THE COLLECTION, Composed of a Sofa, Two Armchairs and Several Poufs bone. The Bohemian Collection is Designed by Spanish Designer Patricia URQUIOLA: A Family of Products, with Armchairs and Soft, Whose Soft, Enveloping Lines Look Like Liquid. In Each Object the Research of the Covering Is Rich and Almost OBSESSIVE, GIVEN by an Overlapping of Leathers, Different Materials and Fabric Processing, Which Give it a nomadic spirit.
Patricia URQUIOLA SIGNS OTHER OTHER ICONIC COLLECTIONS: Antibodi, Sledge Armchair and Chaise Longue Characterized Petals sewn on a triangular base Structure; FJORD, Which Includes High Sledge Stool, Sledges Armchair, Swivel Armchair, and Sledge Chair A Broken Shape But with Soft Lines As If it's be have be be been Smoothed by the waves, with an elongated cut Inlets of the Northern Coasts; The Lilo Armchair, on the other hand, evokes the modernist design of the 1950s and, with its welcoming shapes and color palette MAKES IT Perfect for Both Domestic and Public Spaces.

Moroso Solutions for the Home, Contract and Outdoor

Moroso Solutions Range from Decorations and Furnishings for the Home, with Sofas, Armchairs, Tables, Chairs, Storage Units, Mirrors, Garden Furniture, To Luxury Furnishings for Public Facilites, Hotels, Bars and Restaurants. GOGAN is Part of Moroso Sofas, which OWES ITS NAME and Shape to the japanese stones placed on the banks of rivers and lake, Smoothed over time by water and Wind, The Inspiration for this Project; Just as the Sculptures Are Made of Stones That Offer a Play of Joints Providing an Idea of ​​Lightness.
The Redondo Sofa Was Inspired by the Upholtered Interiors of American Cars of the 50s and 60S Accompanied the long coast to coast journeys. Redondo Is Characterized by the Combination of Two Volumes, an Upholstered Shell that wraps the large seat cushions. The Absence of Edges, Combined with the Softness of the Softness of the Fabric and A Quilted Decoration, Generates an Elegant Three-Dimional Geometry.
Among the Moroso Armchairs Are The SWIVEL CHAIRS Take a Line for a Walk and Clarissa. The First is Characterized by an Enveloping and Comfortable Shell; Designed in 2002, ITS Communicative Strength Intact: Rigorous Geometric Order, Softness and Bright Colors Are The Perfect Synthesis All-Female exuberance. The Second is a dynamic relaxation Armchair, The Synthesis Between Provocation and Aesthetics, Comfort and Dynamism.

Moroso Tables and Chair, with the Wide Range of Shapses, Materials, Materials, Colors, Give Off Dynamism and Tenacity, Flexibility and Staticity Solutions. Precious Seats in the Minimal and Clean Shape, Synthesize Lightness, Elegance and Soliness; The Attation to Detail is Combined in PreCious with the Attation to Precious Materials and Fine Finishes. The iMPOSSIBLE WOOD Chair with Armrests, On the other hand, Represents a Process of Conceptual Reinvention, which Impossible to Achieve Except by Injection Molding The No Waste Table, Obtained from a single metal sheet, is a clear example of designing in its essence No WASTE PRESENTS a New Shape, Able to Determine a Change in Aesthetic Taste, Inspired by the Concept of Self-Production. For Outdoor Furniture We Remember The Armchairs in Colored Hand-Woven Threads Arco and HUSK, Whose Yarn is the Same Used for Fishing Nets Choice, Able to Offer Different and Original Designs. The Big Easy Is a Steel Armchair Made in 1988 by Ron Arad in 100% Recyclable Material and Suitable for Outdoor use be Light and Water Resistant.

Moroso Products for Sale Online on Archiproducts

The Products of the Moroso Brand are on Sale in the Archiproducts. com Online Shop: Sofas, Armchairs, Tables, Chairs, Boad for Indoor and Outdoor Use, for Home and Contract.

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