Collection: Marcelo Morandini

Marcelo Morandini is a renowned italian artist Born in 1940. He is know for being a master of geometric design and abstract art. His Work Primarily Focuses on Creating Drawings and Sculptures that Utilize Geometric Lines and Shapses, Often Characterized by Strong Precision Symmetry. Morandini Has Achieved International He has worked with variety materials, including glass, ceramics, metal, and wood, to create his unique pieces.

His Creations can be found in several permanent collections of Major Museums, Including the Museum of Modern Art and the victoria and albert museum in London. Marcello Morandini Has Influency Many Contemporary Artists and Continues to Be Active in the Field of Art. His Art is Characterized by a Strong Geomethetic Aesthetic and a Bold Use of Color, which has His Works Recognizable and Admired Workwide.

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