Collection: Catellani & Smith

Catellani & Smith is an italian company that designs and product "luminous creations", under the Influence of Its Founder and Artistic Director Enzo Catellani. THE COMPANY, which has Headquarters in an old restored in the bergamo hills, Has Always Combined Passion, Design and High-Quality Materials. Now Present All Over The World, Catellani & Smith Meets The Needs of a ClientELE That Shares and Appreciates The Values ​​of Love for Design, Quality and Originality. In Catellani & Smith's Extensive Production THERE Is a Clear Division Between Between Lamps and Changeliers Mass-Product and Those Tailed to a Demanding ClientEle. This Last Type of Realization is Part of Tailoring, a Process That Follows a Well-Defined Design. The First Step is the meeting with the client and the deepening of his expections. Once All Input Has Been Received from the Client, The Catellani & Smith Working Groups to Elaborate The First Ideas and Possible Realizations. This Group Includes Both craftsmen, Who Work the Pieces with the Own Hands, and Technology Experts, Who Study The Design and Technical Aspects of The lamps. Once the Road Has Been Decided, All The Designers Discuss its Feasibility and Begin with the Elaboration of the Prototype, An Essential Moment in the Creative Process. Once it be been verified that the Prototype Reflects Both the Customer 'and the Company's Expections, We Proced with the Tail-Made Production of The Unique PIECE.

Indoor and Outdoor Lamps Catellani & Smith

Catellani & Smith Is Known Not only for the lighting of private spaces, but also for special lighting projects DEDIDICACES, Museums, Art Galleries, the Light/Shadow Dialogue is Particular Felt. In additional to indoor lighting, much of the brand's production is decicated to outdoor lamps such as the more f, a torch-shaped lamp made with hand Handmade Glass and Led Light. Or the medouse f, a table lamp for outdoor use, in different sizes, which cans Also be placed on the flowers, on flowerbeds and in strategic point in the garden. AMONG The Various Lamps Created by the Company and Recognized As Pieces of Great Artistic Value, We Remember The 56 Petits Bijoux Defined as Pure "Static Movement". At Basis of its Realization, We Find the Concept of Concentric Circles That Are Created on the Surface of the Water when a Stone is Thrown. The Sphere and the Circle Represent for Catellani The Idea of ​​Perfection and Infinity Craftsmanship of the Highest Level. Alchemie t is a led table lamp in alabaster and brass, which investigates the relativeHip better. A Small Sculptural Installation, this Lamp is Composed of Two Discs That Run Parallel on Tracks When, overlapping Each other, themes a "domestic" Eclipse. The Stone Base and Alabaster DISCS MAKE MOBILE LAMP/SCULPTURE EVEN More Precious.

SINCE 1989, Catellani & Smith Revolutionizes the Concept of Light

Enzo Catellani Founded Catellani & Smith in 1989, After Running a Lamp Shop. His Continuity Observation of the Product and the Need for Experimentation LED HIM to His First Creation, Presented at the Frankfurt Environmental Fair. Thanks to the Extraordinary Success That Catellani & Smith Had Right from the Start, Catellani & Smith LEFT Their Work in the Shop to Dedicate ThemSelves Completely to the Creation of Lighting Points, Mostly Made to Measure, for their Customers. Indoor and Outdoor Domestic Spaces, Museums, Churches, Events Become The Places Where to Measure OneSelf to Show One's Creativity, What is Also Recognized Through the Installation of Works Such As the Macchina Luce in the Casa Battlò by Antonio Gaud in Barcelona in 2008 Prestigious wallpaper award in 2012; In 2010, Instead, The iconic Fil de Fer, Now Available for Table or Ceiling Expo. SINCE THE NINETIES, It's All a Succession of Collections That Break Through the Hearts (and Eyes) of Customers Striking lighting. In 2003, For Example, Claudio Baglioni Asked Enzo Catellani to set the Stage for the Show O'Scià a Lampedusa, Followed by the one designed for the Petruzelli Theater in Bari, Again to Illuminate One of the Famous Singer's Shows. TO DATE, THERE ARE Dozens of ICONIC Creatments, Requested by VIPS, Design Newspaper Editor and Architects Compared to Installations and Other Works of Art.

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