Collection: Andreu World

Andreu World is a spanish brand that Originates from Near Valencia and Produces Seating for Meeting Points Like Coffee Bars, Hotels, Restaurants, Company and Public Spaces and Outdoor Areas. At the Basis of the Company Philosophy THERE THERE A WISH to Shape Sustainable and “Healthy” Space for Work and Meeting. As a Matter of Fact the Products Are Made of 100% Sustainable Wood and FCS® Certified, As a Guarantee for the Entire Supply Chain Product, Through a Work Made of Passion, Design, Innovation and Love for Details with Selected, Top Notch Materials. A Quest for Excellence, Eye to Details, a Production Bound to the Mediterranean Sun, a Never Ending Technological Evolution and the Handmade Reflect the Values ​​of a Brand Aiming At Both Satsfying ITS Customers while Keeping Faithful to a Very Strong Ethics

Andreu World: From Wooden Seating to Upholstery

Wood is the backbone of the Whole House Production. IT is enough to give a glance to the Smart BQ0637 Footstool Made of Durmast and Beechwood, The Outcome of the Andreu World ’s Manupurers Mastery; or to the lake si0654 Chair, a free contemporary reinterpretation of the classic Mediterranean-Style Made of Beechwood and Available in a rope or CUSHIONED SEAT VERSION. Next to the top wood product line, Andreu World Has Added New Materials Over Time, Like Metal and Fabric, for Its Sofas and Armchairs. An Example of This is Element SF 0727 a Very Spacious and Comfortable Three Seats Couch, Upholed and Decorated with a Play of up Elegant, sophistate look. The Legs Are Made of Four Steel Tubes with Shiny Finishes in Black or White. As for the Office Environment, The Company Has Thunder Flex Executive Bi 1893. One Piece of the Frex Seating Family, hit armchair of The Execution Line, Turning with Four Spokes and Armrests and Available in Several Colors Comfortable Tilting Mechanism, for a Greater Comfort During The Long Office Hours.

Andreu World And the Love for Wood

The History of Andreu World Started in the Spain of 1955, When Franciscu Andreu Marti that sols the wooden items made by his parents into a fully-fledged manualized company Finish Chairs. As the Supply of the Products to Furniture Shops Inceased, The Company Experiency A ConspicUs Growth and Moved to Alaquas, Still Not Far from Valencia. This Growth Also Concerned the Attation to Design with the Lunching of New Products Such As Model 72 Decisive Turning Point in the Evolution and History of the Brand. In the Same Period, Andreu World STARTED In IMPORTANT FAIRS in the Furnishing Domain, First in Spain and the Across All EUROPE Milan. The Production Site Was Relocated to Navarra, where a Real Beech Forest Was Planted to Support the Production. The Brand Andreu World As We Know It Today Was Born in 1980 with the Lunching of the Company Logo and of a Solid Brand Identity. Thanks to the Support of World Famous Designers Such as Josep llusca and Alberto Lievore, The Company Switched Fully to Design and Its Catalog Was Enriched with pieces that one prestigious awards in competitions likes likes likes likes the nationalal design award or the red dot design award. The Year 2009 Marked the Official Debut of the Outdoor Collections The Robustness of the Materials for the Outdoor with the Beauty and Comfort of the Materials for Indoor Use.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

In Andreu World ’s Vision a Real Evolution is only With this rationale the Company Has Been Doing Efforts to Bring Down Down ITS Environmental Impact SINCE EARLY years, Starting from the Handling and Usage Certified Wood (FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL) to Continue with Energy Efficiency The Wood That is Planted in Certified Owned Forests, Is Granted and Monitord Along ITS Entire Life Cycle, from the Sprout to the Chair It will Turn Into. The Use of Energy Is Controlled Through in the Production Process Operations, Included Finishes, Varnishing, Packaging and Logistics. As a Matter of Fact, Before the Production of Whatver New Line is Started, The Company Runs Analysis of the Production Cycle Environmental Impact of Each Model of Chair That will be put INTO Production. The Outcome of All Thesse Efforts is the Gratification Alredy Mentaled in the Introduction Advantage of People ’s Health and of the Nature Care.

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