Collection: Viviana Maggiolini

Viviana Maggiolini, Architect and Designer, Graduated in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano and Trained in Various italian and Foreign Studios, Working in Architecture Design, Interior Design and Scenograpy. She object a master's debree in bioarchitecture. His Collaboration with Architect Giovannantonio Malacrida, One of the Most Important Collectors of 20th Century and Objects, Was Decisive. He Worked with HIM on the Design of Various Exhibitions, Including the Project for the "Giòponti Arti e Mestieri" Exhibition and Its Catalogue. He Collaborates with Various Italian and Foreign Brands in the Fields of Product Design, Art Direction and Interior Design. His Line of Research Starts from the knowledge of Traditional Techniques and Aspires to Innovative Results Maintaining a sensitive and Elegant trait.

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