Collection: Serge MOUILLE
Serge Mouille Was Born in Paris in 1922. Heignoped a Talent for Drawing Very Early. He finds his models at the jardin des plants where he spends entire housing plants and animals. On the Advice of His Drawing Teacher, He Entered the Applied Arts Entrance Exam What He Was Accepted at the Age of 13, The Youngest Student of His Time. His mentor gabriel lacroix will make him a master in the art of hammering metal. He Entered Hénin Orfèvre Paris where Heoon Established Himself in the Midst of Experienced Workers, All Older Than Him.
After the War, Serge Mouille Started His Own Business and Worked for Various Maisons d'Orèvrerie. He is a craftsman recognized by all. At the Same Time, He Works as a Teacher at the National School of Applied Arts and Crafts Having Succeded Gabriel Lacroix at the head of the head of the head of the head Goldsmith's Workshop. He devoted his whole life to the profession of teacher but also to that of researcher because it should not be forgotten, Serge Mouille is also and above All 44 years of Research, Drawings and Monogravures.
IT WAS HIS MEETING with Jacques Adnet, Director of the Compagnie des Arts Français, in 1951 That Marked a turning point in my life. Indeed, He asked Him to Design A "Large Light" for His South American ClientEle. Serge Got to Work and Created the Thrree-Arm Floor Lamp, Gradually Going from Master Craftsman Status to of Creative Artist by Developing the Now Famous Series of black shapes. The Three-Arm Floor Lamp, The Right Floor Lamp Will Be The First Models.
Spearheading Modernity and the Movement of Functional Integration for Interior Design In the Avant-Garde Furniture Trade. Commercial Agent for French Aluminum, Steph Simon Meets Jean Prouvé, Who Hired Him in 1949 to Distribute His Furniture. In March 1956, He Opened the Steph Simon Gallery at 145 Boulevard Saint-Germain. Charlotte perriand take of the layout of the place. For Steph Simon, This Gallery Must Have A IT Presents Exclusive Models by Jean Prouvé and Charlotte perriant, Lighting by Serge Mouille, Ceramics by Georges Jouve and Norbert Pierlot. Later, He Broadcasts The Plays of Isamu Noguchi, Sori Yanagi, Tecno ... The Gallery Closed in 1974.
1962: The World Has Changed. Serge Mouille, for the past ten years, have led his career as a teacher and as a lighting designer. He then decides to radicaly difference HIMSELF FROM EVERYTHING Hehe Has Done So Far by Creating The Series of Light Columns Using The Fluorescent Tube, New At The time. The two series are so different that you will be the were created by different artists. IT is Misunderstanding and a Mixed Success. He decided to stop producing lights in 1963 and Devoted HIMSELF ENTIRY to TEACHING. Serge Died in 1988, During Christmas Night, Defected by Disease.