Collection: Sam hecht
Sam Hecht Was Born in London in 1969. His Interest in Industrial Design and Architecture Led Him to ApprenticessHips Including David Chipperfield. HECHT Thus Began to Define the Style That Characterises His Personality As a Designer. A Profound Search for the Essential, Acute Observation of the World We Live in and a Belief That Simplicity can be Inspirational. In 1993 He Completed His Masters at the Royal College of Art, Followed by 3 years in California with IDEO, and 3 years in tokyo. This period involved the collaborations with Naoto fukasawa In 2002, He Co-Founded Industrial Facility with His Partner Kim Colin. He began to work with manifurers, and the number of clients incressed in just a few years.
For Muji Japan He Created the ‘Second Phone’ (2004), which led to him being infited to beCome retigner for world muji. For Taylor ’s Eye Witness, a sheffield company Fur KunsestHandwerk, Frankfurt and Awarded the Design Plus and if Gold Prize for 2006. More His Career Has Also Included Teaching and Lecturing Activities. BETWEEN 2006 - 10, He Acted as Senior Tutor at the Royal College of Art, London, Forming Platform 12 and in 2011 Was Appointed Germany. In 2010 he was awarded the ‘Designs of the Year’ for the Branca Chair. In 2008, He was an electrigner for industries (RDI) Philip Design Prize.