Collection: Sabine marcelis

Sabine marcelis is a dutch designer Who Practice from the harbor of rotterdam. After Graduating from the Design Academy of Eindhoven in 2011, Marcelis Began Working as an Independent Designer Within the Fields of Product, Installation and Spacial Design with a Strong Focus on Materiality. Her Work is Characterized by Pure Forms What Form Material Properties. Marcelis Applies a Strong Aesthetic Point of View to Her Collaborations with Industry Specialists. This method of working allows her to intervene in the manual meterial research and experiments and surprising Effects for Pro Projects Both Showcassed in Musea and Commissioned by Commercial Cleans and Fashion Houses. Sabine Considers Her Designs to Be True Sensorial Experiences and Not Simple Static Works: The Experience Becomes The Function, with A Refined and Unique Aesthetic. Sabine Recently Won the Prestigious Wallpaper Award ‘Designer of the Year 2020’ International Design Award 2019 'Young Designer of the Year' and 'GQ Men of the Year 2019' International Artist of the Year.

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