Collection: Nathan yong

Nathan yong graduated from Temasek Polytechnic with a Diploma in Industrial Design in 1991. Hegans Career Not as a Designer Engaging in Product Development for Various Companies in Singapore.through the Jobs, He Traveled to Various Countries Including India, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia to Source for Quality Manufacturers and Craftsmen to Develop and Manufacture Furniture and Home Accessories. Through this exposure, He Learnt Various Production Technique and Crafts. In 1999, Nathan Started His First Retail Store Called Air Division, Selling His Own Creations Made by Asian Craftsman. Air Division Rapidly Grew and Claated Commercial Success in Both Singapore as Well As Well As the overseas Market. Nathan Subsequently SOLD AIR DIVISION and PURSUED A Master DeGree from the University of New South Wales, Australia DISTINCTION in Master of Design.

For two consecutive years (in 2006 & 2007), Nathan the Prestigious Red Dot Concept Design Award with His Conceptual Designs of a Mass Production Coffin and a Portable Room Heater.subsequential in 2008, Nathan Received the Prestigious Singapore President ’s Design Award; Designer of the year, The Highest Honor Accorded to Designers from All Creative Disciplines in Singapore.his Work is Inspired by Simple Visual Memories from Everyday Life, but Pared Down with the Lightness of RERSTRAINTS. Instead of Superfluous Details, He Captures the Poetry of Products Through Rigorous Research and Engineering Effortlessly INTO The User ’s Life.

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