Collection: Mario Marrenco

Mario Marrenco (Foggia, SEPTEMBER 9, 1933 -ROME, March 17, 2019) Was an italian comeian, Humorist, Actor, Television Author, and Architect and Designer. He Graduated in Architecture in 1957, in Naples, Later Obtaining Research Fellowships in Stockholm and Chicago. In 1960 He Opened His Own Architecture and Design Atelier: Studio DEGW, Based in Rome. His Activity in Thesse Areas, which Hey Always Pursued Together with His Artistic Career, is evident by Projects Developed for Well-Known Industries The Aluminum Changelier with References to Op Concepts, and in 1984 The Movie Armchair, in the Catalog for Poltrona Frau. [2] Marrenco Also Collaborated with the Most Important Italian Car Manufacturers in the Creation of their Exhibition Stands.

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