Collection: Marc berthier

Designer and Architect Marc Berthier Was One of the First Designers to Collaborate with Magis, Designing Numerous Objects and Collections for the Company. His Work Mainly Revolves Around Industrial Product Design, and Is Spiced with International Flavours. He Works in France with Lexon, in Italy with Magis, in Germany with Black Design, in Hong Kong with Hedworth, and in Japan with Dé Signe. He has recorded the following awards: Grand Prix National de La Création Industries Industries, René Gabriel Award, Compasso d'in 1991 and 1994 AWARDS 1995, 1997, 1998, Design Plus 1999, American Design Award 1999.

His Creations Have Been Selected for the permanent Collections of the Musée National d'Art Moderne Contemporain in France, and the Moma in New York. Marc Berthier is “Chevalier des Arts et destres” and have also received the “médaille de l led et de l'INDUSTRIE”. He was the French Representative at the EC for the “Maison Européenne” Commission.
In 2002 He Founded EliumStudio in Paris, Together with His daughter élise, Pierre Garner and Frédéric Lintz, Joined Later by Anne Klepper.

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