Collection: MAX Bill

Born in Winterthur, Switzerland, in 1908. After Training at the Zurich KunstageRBESCHULE He Was at the Bauhaus in Dessau, Germany, From 1927 to 1929. He Returned to Switzerland and Worked as Architect, Decorator, Graphic Designer, Sculptor, Journalist and Designer. In theme fields he has written ossays, Taught and Held Lectures.

He was a member of CIAM (Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne) and UAM (Union des Artists Modernes). In 1951 He was the Co-Founder of Ulm's Hochschule Für Gestaltung and Managed the Architecture and Design Sections. He was a member of the Institute d'Ethéthique industrielle in paris, The DWB (Deutscher Werkbund), The BSA (Bund Schweizer Architekty) Institute of Architects) and Switzerland's “OEUVRE” association.

In 1967 He Tauge Environmental Design at the Staatliche Hochschule Für Bildende Künste in Hamburg. He was a member of the berlin Academy of Fine Arts and the Flemish Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Art. He is an Honorary Consultant for Unesco. He Received Many Awards and Prestigious Honors in His Career. He died in berlin in 1994.

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