Collection: Lina obregon
Born in Colombia and Based in Milan, Lina obrregón graduated in industrial design Strategic Design and Product Design. Product Design Consultant for Various Companies Such As Paola Lenti, MDF Italia, Serralunga, Designmesa, Togna Porcelane, Deborah Group, Porcelanosa, And Others. For Paola Lenti He Designed Telar, a Collection of Outdoor Seating and Winner of the Red Dot Award 2020 Best and of the Honorable Mission NYCXDESIGN AWARDS 2020.
She is part of the Materiavera Interdisciplinary Group, Developing Projects That Involve the Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials. She is a member of eventiurbani_milano Art. A VAST Experience of Collaborations with Various Design Studios in Milan (Including Totaltool, Fragile, Focusdesign, Studio Villa, Mainly Projects in the Field of StrateGic Design and Product Design, Many of What IMPORTANT NATIONAL AND NAND NATIONAL) is the basis from What His Activity As a Consultant Starts, with a Personal Approach Guided by Curiosity and AIMED AT Integrating with the DNA of the Companies She collaborates with.
Active in the Academic and Research Fields, She Was The Founder and Director of the Bionics Invited to Several International Workshops in Colombia. OTHER EXPERIENCES Include Teaching at the European Institute of Design in Milan and As a Tutor at the Domus Academy (Master in Business Design) and at the Milan Polytechnic.