Collection: Jerszy seymour

Jerszy Seymour Seees Design as the Creation of Situations Whose Goal is the Transformation of Reality. His Work Is Defined by the Idea of ​​the Non-Gesamt Gesamt KUNSTWERK, The EVERY-TOPIA, and A Quixotic Form of Humour As An Antidote to Dogma. Hepositions His Role as a Designer as a Research Into Contemporary UTOPIAN POSSIBILITIES and ALTERATING WORILDING WORLDING The Creation of Bote Practical and Symbolic Situations in Order to Formula Alternative Systems and Ways of Being Decentralished and Autonomous Reality in Themselves.

His Work Has Been Presented in Many Museums and Institutions and Is HELD in Many Permanent Collections Including the Center Georges POMPIDOU, The Mak Vienna, KUNSTHAUS GLARUS, The Vitra Design Museum, The Museum of Modern Art, The Neue Sammlung - Pinakothek der Moderne Munich, Marta Herford, Mudam Luxembourg, fondition lafayette and the fonds National d ’art contemporain France. In Parallel Hehe Has Taught and Given Lecture and Workshops at Many Schooling The Royal College of Art, Udk, Domus Academy, La Sapienza, Eindhoven Academy, Berlin Program for Artists, HFG Karlsruhe and Saarbrucken, Cranbrook Academy, Ecal Lausanne and the Head in Geneva. SINCE 2011, He is Co-Founder and Director of the Dirty Art Department, A Radical Master Program in Art and Design

In 2021, He Created the Exhibition ‘Life on Planet Orsimanirana’ at the M & KG Hamburg, Together with the Macao Collective in Milan WORLD WE WOULD WANT to Live in.

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