Collection: FABRICA

Fabrica Design Studio, Directed by Sam Baron, Is Defined by the AttitudeS and Creations of the Young International People Who Work THERE, Refreshed by the Coming and Going of Studio members. Their Process is informed by Enquiry INTO Rituals and Materials, Defining a Language That is Throughful, Ecletic and Alternatives. The Focus is on Conceptual Objects, Limited Collections and Prototypes, Product Under The Brand, Fabrica Features The Studio and the Outside World. Such Encounters Happy in Galleries, Museums, Online and Designated Fabrica Found Throug note.
This unique, Innovative Style Draws Many of the Industries Leading International Brands to Begin Successful Collaboration. Clients Include Casamania by Frezza, Bosa Ceramics, Vista Alegre, Diamantini & Domeniconi, Secondome, Seletti, Zanotta and Museums Like Grand Hornu Images And Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Fabrica's Team of Designers is in a constant quest for new Ideas, Shapses and Concepts. The Collaboration with the Italian Chair District is the perforation to share all the daily research come from the seven corners of the world, through Images That Inspire Us, New Ideas, Things We Love or Work We Admire.

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