Collection: El schmid

El Schmid Lives in Seville, But Was Born in Styria. In austria, Hegan to Design Metal with a Craft ApprenticessHip. In Munich He Studies Graphic Design with an Excellent Diploma in “Corporate Identity Design”. He Leaves Advertising after His Agency Experience. He beComes a master of Metal Art and Founds the Design Workshop Schmid & Stemmann in Munich. For 10 years he product unique pieces and is parts of the European design avant-garde. “Wonderful Luxury of the New German Design” is how the center George Pompidou Describes this Period of His Work. 1992 El Schmid and His Design Continue to Develop. The Design Philosophy “Viva Natura” Emerges and Is Alive. Evolution of Design and Designer in the Best Sense. Through Eastern MySticism in Connection with His European Thinking, El Schmid Arrives at the Timeless Form Form Form for Mostly Natural Materials. A yearning return to reduction in form and to “eternal” quality. Function and Natural Materials Pave The Way for His Design. The Viewer ALSO COMES to REST VisUALLY and Spontaneously Becomes a Lover of Selected Furniture, Luminaires and Accessories.

Design, Nature and the Beauty of the Materials Form a United. The Material is Alive and shows its effect on People: Solid Natural Wood Brings About the Balance of Head and Stomach. Iron Gives Us a Zest for Action, A Spirit of Enterprise and the Ability to Work. Brass Creates Warmth, A Friendly and Pleasant Atmosphere… The Work of El Schmid is Design is Concentrated Vitality, Free of Any Artificial Preference. IDEA, Design, Product Development and Series Production - Everything Happens Under One Roof in the Design Studio and in the Master Workshop in Seville. Thanks to this special competence, el schmid work with a high degree of independence. He designs luminaires, Furniture and Accessories for Well-Known Brands. He Creates Long-Lasting, Good Design with an Independent Character. Not inFrequently, they have bewystsellers.

12 products