Collection: CARLES RIART
Carles Riart, Borned in Barcelona in 1944 HAS Recipeed the National Design Award 2011 as a Recognition of All His Work. Carles Riart Studied at the Eina School of Design. He teached there from 1976 to 1978, and He Also Improved His Training with a Cabinetmaker. When he was nineteen years old Hey Also Did the interior design of somes Movies, and designed many well-known spaces in the coolest barcelona: Pubs, shops and galleries MONTSE Guillén Restaurant (1981), The Piano Modas Shop (1981), The Snooker Club (1985), The Furniture for Fernando Amat's House at La Pedrera (1985), The Palauu De la virreina's furniture for the barcelona's city counselcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcilcils, ovideo tv's van (1989), The Dou deu Shop (1995), and Many Others.
His Work Has Been in Many Exhibitions, And He has Received Many Awards: The Delta de or ADI FAD (1970 and 1974), La Opinión Award (1979) And Fad interior design awards (1986), Furniture Contemporary Resources Council Award (New York, 1983), European Top-Ten Award (Khöln, 1994), Grand Prix of The Presse Internationale (Paris, 1994), or the Maestro Artesano Diploma Moreover, His Penjador Ona Has Been Selected by the Moma for Its permanent Collection. All of this ACKNOWEDGEMENT HAD A Reflection in Industry Latetly Hehe Has Recshiped the Spanish Nacional Design Award (2011) As a Recognition to All His Career.
SOME OF RIART's Most Outstanding and Brilliant Pieces Are: The Carlos Riart Chair (1979), The Vallvidrera Armchair (1978), The Cómodo Sofa, The Casas Chair, The Ojalá and Pedrera Chair (1975), The Desnuda Chair (1973), or the Innovative Colilla Hanging Lamp Afterwards for Santa & Cole. In 1989, Riart Started to Work on What will be the Most EMBLEMATIC Image of the Barcelona'92 Olympic Games, That Is, The Arrow on Fire That Inaugurated the Games, The Main Protagonist of a Magical and Ephemeral Moment of Worldwide Expectancy. RIART HART HASO Worked on Various Customized Furniture Collections, Such As the Muebles Especiales (1976), úTiles (1992), Objetos perdidos (1996) or the set designed for josep Carreras (1996-2000) together with pep cortés. ALL RIART's Pieces Decloy a Sensual Conception of Comfort, of Formal Poetry, Talent and Strength.