Collection: Bizarri design associati

By long experiences in the world of the design and inner architecture, in 1995, a student, named bizarri design, born. Main Goal of Stefano Bizarri and Claudio Cinti Industrial and Interior Design. In the Same Year Took Place Several Collaborations with Differents Companies Belong to Furnities Industry, and the Creation of First Collections of Objects Furnishings, Designed for Housees and Contract World. After Creating Some Collections (Mediterraneo-Biarritz) for Gasparucci SRL (a Company Specialized in Furnishing for House and Contract), from '96 to '98, Bizarri Design Also Take the Charge of ArtStic Direction, Planning showrooms and outfitts in italy and about, and coordinating the business concept.

From ’99, The Study take the charge of artistic direction on behalf of the society ideal marmi italia from the search and design of new product; IT LED to The Definition of a Special, to the Qualification of Image and to the Purchase of New Branches of Business. Over the Year, Many and Prestigious Collaborations (JUST FOR MENTION SOME OF THEM: Gasparucci Contract - PEDINI - I Conci SRL - Cattelan - Gardesa - Edilcuogi - Cotto Impruneta - Palazzetti - Karman) Reinforced the Own Experience of the Study and Gave Origin to a Range of Product Mainly Addressed To the design world.

Over the Last FEW Years, The Study Also Acted ActiveLy in the Design of the Showrooms, Villas and Hotels, in Italy, Swiss, Saudi Arabia and Soviett Union. SEVERAL EXPERIENCES Graduate Reachers Relating with Materials as Rattan, Wood, Stone, Metals, Glass and Porcelain, Allowed The Study to Acquiree an innovated working method on the workmanships and technical features of all the materials. TODAY, MAIN Characterists Are Basical The Aggreagation of Different Shaps and Materials with Result of An Innovative Thrilled Balance Bearing An High Innovating Content.

6 products