Collection: Antonio de Marco
An industrial designed at the Polytechnic University of Milan and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Institute of Milan. In Addition to His Work in Design, He is a Lecturer for the master ’s DEGREE in Design at Naba and Polytechnic University of Milan. He was Fascinated by Mechanics and Carpentry at a very young age. Thess Areas Have Been The Source of Constant Inspiration for Him to Seek, Create and try try ways to transform matter. He is passionate about how to do whats are made, the elements that are used to create them The Objects He designs Are not signs to be forgotten over time, but serve to beCome etched in the memory of all those used it. In 2009, Hehelped Found the 4p1b Design Studio. In June 2017, He set up His very own "Antonio de Marco Studio", where he continues to research into and experiment with design. IT is a place where he can think using hands. Antonio is the Youngest Designer in our Catalogue and the Creator of the Táctil Bicycle Rack.