Collection: Andreas OSTWALD

Andreas Ostwald Was Born in Germany in 1964. After an ApprenticessHip as a Ceramic Modeller and Having Studied Industrial Design in Kiel, in 1996 He Started Up His Own Business, Giving Life to Ostwaldesign Studio. From 1996 to 2006 He Tauht Design at the "Muthesius Hochschule" of Kiel, and SINCE 2005 He is professor at the hfk University of Bremen. In His of Product and Interior Design Research Space. Core of His Philosophy is the ambition for a aesthetic performance, attainable only through Absolute proportions. To ostwald, an appealing design guest be in Harmonious Relationship not only with its details Respectful of Man and the Environment Means Researching Innovative Innovative Interactive with the New Technological and Physical Possilies.

17 products