Collection: Andreas KROB

Andreas KROB WAS BORN in 1969 in Niebüll, Germany. He Studied Industrial Design at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel. After one Semester of Studying in Italy Hegan to Work as a Freelance Designer Undertaking Orders from Different internship. In 2002 He set download in Switzerland and one year later lead he opened bureau4dimensions krob. The Studio Focuses on Innovative Projects in the Field of Design and Architecture. He Developed Furniture and Solutions That Are Characterized by Unique, and Also by Style Fostered over The Company PAYS Special Attation to Such Aspects As: The Way of Functioning in a Space, Quality and Ergonomics. Each Element is Made with Understanding of its function and significance. B4K Cooperates with Leading European Companies Crafting Furniture of High Quality.

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