Collection: Andrea Castrignano

A Proponent and Popularizer of An Anglo-Saxon Vision of Home Decoration, Assimilated During His Own Professional Career Turnkey Design and All-Round Consulting with His Activity As An Established Influencer in the World of Interior Design. His Interior Design Projects, What Range from the Private to the Retail Sector, Reflect His Sartorial Philosophy Concept of Tailor-Made and Understanding The Needs and Tastes of the Client. SINCE 2011 Hehe Has Been Hosting The Program He Created "Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita!" After Ten Editions on the Small Screen, Has Landed on the Web with a New Cross-Media Format that is more more engine engine in contest. In 2017 IT Launched Its Second Program, "Help! Guests Arrive ...," The First TV Format Coming Food & Design That He Co-Hosted with National Scene.

He is the Author of the Best-Selling "Change Home with Andrea!" INTO a FairyTale Home "Change Home Life!" and the latest volume "and you, what style is you?" A Virtual Journey Inside the IDEAL HOME. He founded the first italian interior design blog: A well-ostablished Web Platform Dedicated to the World of Architecture and Interior Design Throug WhHich He descripes His Own Design Vision, Including Construction Sites in Progress, Making of, Renovations and Insights. Hey Also Tells About His Work and Life Through Social Media, Followed by An IncreaSingly Involved and Active Fan Base.

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