Collection: Alessandro dubini
Alessandro dubini is an italian designer. After Studies in Design and Architecture in Milan, and a DeGree in Engineering, He Opened His First Studio in COMO, Italy. SINCE 2004 Alessandro Dubini Studio is Based in Monte Carlo (Principality of Monaco). Alessandro ’s Work is Intuitive and Eclected, Characterized by Elegance OFTEN MATED with a Playful, Magic Touch. He Redefines Decorative Arts for the Contemporary Age, Uses Innovative Technologies and Materials with Remarkable Design Sensibility, And Creates Atmospheres and Objects with a Strong Emotional Effect. Curious and Creative, Alessandro Moves Freeless FROM Design to Architecture, from Art Direction to Art Installations. His Design Includes for Frog, i4mariani, Mandelli, LEMA, SELETTI, SELETTI, VALDICHINTI, VARASCHIN, and Zanotta among others.