Collection: AINO Marsio-AALTO

AINO AALTO (1894-1949) Was an Architect, Designer, and One of Artek ’s Founding Figure. Upon Graduating in 1920, Aino Marsio, As She Was Then Known, Started Her Professional Care Working for Architect OIVA Kallio in Helsinki. In 1924, She Moved to Alvar AALTO ’s Office; SIX MONTHS LATER, they Married. AINO and ALVAR CAME To Work a Great Deal Together, and the Creative Partnership Was Marked by Absolute Equality. Projects The Aaltos Cooperated on Include the World Famous Villa Mainrea in NOOORAUM, The Paimio Sanatorium, and the Savoy Restaurant in Helsinki.

As a design, aino is Primarily know for her work in glass and interior design, and the as a Furniture designer. Buther Included Architecture and Photography AMONG MINY OTHER Things, She Designed Furniture, Glassware Objects, Ceramics, Lighting, and Printed Fabrics. AINO AALTO CAME to Play an IMPORTANT Part at Artek; She Was Always Closely Involved in the Company ’s Development, Taking on the Roles of Design Director and Managing Director. In many ways, it was aino who laid the foundation for the Aesthetics of Artek, which Modernist Idea of ​​Clear Form with Simple Surface Ornamentation. Despite Her untime Death, Her International Design Libes On, Both in the Artek Company and Much Copied Glassware.

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