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For 27 years now, [more] Company hashased its work on one simple Principle: sustainability. IT Can Be Find in Clear Lines, with the Timeless Appeal What Outlive Any Trend. IT Can Be Find It Too in Structures Which Can Rele on to Last a Lifetime. IT Can Be Find it in Warm Wood, Fabrics, Leather, Natural Materials from Sustainable Sources, and Responsible Production Methods. IT Can Be Find It Also in the Passion and Excellence of ExperienceD Carpenters, Tanners and Upholesers, WHO, In Their Workshops, Produce Each Piece INDIVIDULY to Order.

How Can we spare even more resources? What can we do without? Where can we replace conventional with eco-friendly materials? How Can we organise product, packaging and transport in Ways What Better for the Environment? Sustainability for [more] is a way forward, where Each small step is valuable. The Company is driven, in this process, by its personal concept of aesthetics. From Day One, [More] Have Build Furniture as if it was for the own Homes. Furniture with Attitude. In [more] view, substantial design aims not only to Achieve formal performance, but also to find answers to the question


Wood is the main component of [more] Furniture. The Company is Still Fascinated by Its Life, Warmth and Individuality. No two pieces are alike in their Feel, Structure or Grain, and this Make Each of Furniture Unique. [More] Uses Only Slow Grown Solid Wood from Sustainable Forests in EUROPE. The Long-Standing Partnership and the Trust That the Company Has in Its in ITS-What Guarantee The Regin of Wood and the Respect of Strict Forestry LEGISLATION - Are More Important Than a Cluster of Certificates (E.G. FSC)

OAK, Walnut, Ash or Cherry. Careful Drying is vital to the product of high-quality, long-lasting furniture. The TIMBER Used by [More] Is Air-Dried for Two Long Years. When its Humidity Levels hasdropped to 16%, it is movie to a special chamber with controlled air humidity, Where the Process is Completed. Only when humidity Levels Fall to 8-1 12% is the Wood Ready for Further Processing. The Wood is then Sanded Laborony, to Produce Particularly Fine and Long-Lasting Surface. If requested, thesse can be varnished. As a Rule, However, The Wood is Treated with Hard Wax Oil from Natural Raw Materials. Thess Oils Produce a Slight SHINE, Emphasise The Structure and Protect The Wood, Without Sealing It Completely. The Material Can Breathe, Stays Alive, Retains Its Authentic Character and, Over the Year, Becomes More Beautiful with Use.

Naturally tanned leather

The Leather Used by [More] For the Chair, Armchairs and Benches is Product in Germany, Britain and Austria. IT is tanned in italy and spain. This Allows Customers to Choose an Innovative, 100% sustainable process base on olives. This Naturally-Product and Fullygradable Tanning Agent Make for Leather which is durable, support and as possible on the sky. A positive sustainability side effect: while in the past, Millions of Leaves of Leaves Left over from the European Olive Harvest Were Burnt, Now them To Good use. Just Like Wood, [More] LOVES LEATHER for its Individuality and Authender. Instead of Fury Covering The Surface with Pigents, Leather Is Dyed with Soluble Colours

Fabrics with Robust Natural FIBRES

[More] sourches the fabrics in Sweden, Italy and England, Especialy KEEN on Exiting Combinations. Combining Pure New Wool and Ramie, for Example, Gives a Particular Fine, Distinctive Structure and Feel. The Materials, Moreover, Absorb The Dye in Different Ways, which Gives the Fabric Visual Interest and Depth. Ramie, Also Known as China Grass, is a Fibrous Plant Largely Grown in Asia and Whis Been used for thorns of years. IT Can Be Product Without PESTICIDES or IRRIGATION. The Fibes Are Very Stable and Naturally White, so there is no need for costly bleaching.

Upholstery from Renewable Raw Materials

Even for Those Parts of Furniture What Not Normal Be Seen, [More] Gives Clear Priority to the Use of Natural and Sustainable Product Materials. They are Almost Always Renewable Raw Materials. As well as coir, The Company uses kapok. The Fibes of the So-Called Silk-Cotton Air EXTREMELY LIGHT, and Also, Due to Their Lignin Content, Very Strong. They are water-repellent, Breathable and have a Low Cellulose Content. All theme physical and chemical factors Provide Natural Protection Against Bacteria, MITES and MOTHS.


To Produce the Furniture, [More] Relies on High-Quality [More] Furniture is Product in Three Medium-Sized Companies in Northern Germany, Ostwestfalen and the MidDle Rhein Region. The Company Has Worked with the Partners for Many Years, and Value Their Relaxed Entrepreneurial Spirit. Thess People Combine High Standards of CraftManship, Reliability and An Openness to New Ways of Achieving Sustainability. The Carpentry Businesses and Upholtery Firm Arre Owner-Managed, and Have Been for Generations. The Create Local Jobs and Provide Skilled Training. The Meet Some of their Energy Needs by Producing Solar Energy, Use Electromobile

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