Collection: Delta light

Delta light is a Belgian Company That Has Been INVOLVED in Outdoor Lighting and Indoor Lighting SINCE ITS Foundation in 1989. Present in Its Territory, in Just Ten Years The Company Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has Has AN International Reference Point in the Field of Lighting Technology LED TECHNOLOLOGY, for which has creations chosen by Architects and Designers from all over the world. IS thereofore no coincident that, over the past feed year, delta light has recorded some of the most prestigious awards in the industry AWARD, if design award and good design award. Known and Distributed in No Less Than 120 Countries, this Company Stands Out for the Elegance and Functionality of its Design, Capable of Making Light Points The Real Protagonists of the Space, Both Indoors and Outdoors, by the Pool or Along the Driveways. Delta light is a family business that is constantly growing theks to a Strong research and developed department and the Possility of Being Able to Count On as many as 250 employes.

Design and Production of Delta Light Lamps

It's not just ITS Production Capacity That Makes Delta Light the Great Company it is Today. To This Must Be Added Other Important Aspects, Such as Research and Innovation, Attation to the Evolution of Design, Design and Prototyping, Quality Control and Production, Up to Packaging and Storage. In addition, delta light is distinguished by its great attention to the customer, at the Disposal of What Always Solve Any Situation.
The Company Has Always Aimed At Training Its EMPLOYEES, WHO Atend Seminars by Renowned International Lighting Experts Methods, Dominant Trends in the Field and Product Development. Many Architects and Designers Collaborate Permanently with Delta Light or Find in the Solutions Proposed Bote Private and Professional in the Field of Hospitality or Landscape Design. Another Distinguishing Feature of this Company is the Possibility to Customize the Product, which is Never Standard The Customer. Customization Begins with the Design, for which delta light uses ITS ITS OWN Package and Unique Business Tools. FINALLY, The Time of Assembly and Installation of the Lighting Works is Never Overlooked, Always Conducted in a Workmanlike Manner. And professionals from the variety sectors remains remains Remain at the customer's displisal to satisfy all his demands Energy Saving to Design.

Delta Light: Indoor and Outdoor Lighting

TODAY, DELTA LIGHT HAS 250 EMPLOYEES AND WORLDWIDE as a Company Capable of Anticipating Market Trends and Offering Interesting and Original Solutions, Especialy in the Field of Led Lighting.
The XY180 Adjustable Ceiling Lamp is an Elegant and Minimalist Solution Designed by Oma Studio. IT Consists of an Led tube and a spotlight that can be replicated and combined together to create an eye lighting Condition You Want.
Polesano is a Street Lamp for Urban or Garden Furniture Connections.
Superloop VC SBL is a Very Original Ceiling Lamp, Composed of a Thin Profile on a Round Square Base That Spreads Light All Around. IT Can be combined with other models in the same line and can be oriented vertical or horizontally depending on the type of light you want.

The story of delta light, from Small Shop to International Brand

DELTA LIGHT WAS BORN in What we might Consider Relative RECENT TIMES, 1989, From the Creativity of Paul Ameloot Who, Over the Year, Has Been Joined by His Children to Continue The Family Vocation of the Company. Prior to Delta Light, Ameloot Owned a Lighting Supply Store and It Was The IncreaSingly Specials of Its Customers, Combined with the Incredible Developments in the industrial at the time Independently. In the first ten years, delta light turned to the Belgian Market and Grew to 7 EMPLOYEES. The First Production is that a Wall Sconce, which still part of the company's collections Today, The Phantom. But it doesn't take long for design lines, high quality materials and continoules research to attention across the border. The Company Open Office Office in Many European Countries and Reaches As Far As South America East, Eastern Europe) Are Born, which to be an import support for Architects and Designers.

483 Products