Collection: Calligaris

Calligaris, Founded in Friuli in 1923 as a Small Chair Production Workshop, Boasts Worldwide Distribution of Including Products For Living and Sleeping Areas. Calligaris Products Embody Traditional Craftsmanship, Contemporary Technology and Offer Elegant and ImpactFul Solutions for Any Space. The Company's Philosophy is Based on Made-in-IN-INDALY VALUES and The Desire to Communicate Them Globaly. For this reason, The Calligaris Branches in Russia, France, The United States and Japan Diseminate the Italian Style That Company Represents. Every Product Goes Through an Extensive Process to Become Precisely What the Customer Desires. Planners, Designers, Architects, and Artisans Work Together to Create Exclusive Products That Combine Beauty and Functionality. A prototype is analysed, imported and only is put IT IT PUT Into Production. In Almost 100 years, Calligaris Has Demonstrated an Outstanding Ability to Adapt to change, anticipate market evolutions Products That Can Furnish Any Space with Style and Contemporaneity.

Calligaris: The Evolution of Wood Chairs SINCE 1923

Calligaris Was Founded in 1923 in Manzano in the Province of Udine. Antonio Calligaris First Product Chair in His Small Workshop; The First Was Marocca with a Wood Frame and Straw Seat. In a very short time, manzano and the entire surrounding areas a "Chair District". In the 1960s, Under the Direction of the Third Calligaris Generation, The Company Added a new automatic machine capable of stuffing one Chair per minute with Synthetic Fibes Instead of Natural Straw. From that moment on, The Company Gread Rapidly and Soon Became a Well-Known Brand That Made Abroad. In the 1980s, The Company Added New Materials Like Plastics, Metals, Fabrics, MethaCrylates, Glass and Ceramics to Wood. Today Calligaris Has Factories and Is Present in over 100 Countries Around the World. ITS Growing Export Business Has Album Reacher 70% of the Company Tottal, Demonstrating How Made-in-IN-ITALY VALUES is Still Outside Valued Outside National Borders

Not only Wood: New Calligaris Materials

ALTHOUGH CALLIGARIS Is Known for Its Passion for Wood, The Ability to Anticipate The Times Helped The Company Explore New Materials, Selecting the Best and Adapting Them to Aesthetic and Functional Needs. The Company's Current Catalogues Include Textiles Treated with Nanosphere Technologies That Make Them Difficult stains. With a Special Silver ion Treatment, Fabrics Acquire Antimicrobial, Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties. Plastics Are Also Among The New Materials Used by Calligaris, Allowing for Great Creativity. Materials Are Selected on the Basis of a Variety of Characterists. For Example, Polypropylene is Strong and Durable, Resistant to Chemical Agents Surface, Is Suitable for the Application of Semi-Transparent Colours. Naturally, Wood Continues to be the Company's Most Popular Material, and the One Most Desired by Clients. In the Company's Curent Collections, Wood is Combined with Other Materials Like Meetal Or Glass, or Used on ITS OWN -Eiter Solid Or Veneered -And Protected with Special Coatings. Calligaris Wood is FSC® Certified and Harvested from Sustainable Managed Managed Forests that Meet Stringent Environmental, Economic and Social Standards.

How a Design Chair is Born

Designing a Chair, likes of furniture that we find in our homes, is a long and complex creative process. Numerous Figures Are Involved: The Brand Client, The Designer, and The Sculptor Who Will Produce the First Prototype. Before Production, The Prototype is Analysed Aesthetich and Functionally Beose a Chair Must Be Beautiful, Durable and Comfortable.
Studio Archirivolto, Responsible for the Design of Many Calligaris Products, Was Entrusted the Latest Calligaris Product, The Liberty Chair. Before Designing Any Piece of Furniture Final Buyers and Users. The Goal is to enSure the "aesthetic durability" of a design that will Never Tire over time. The fifties chair, by busetti garuti redaelli, is a tribute to 1950s aesthetics. IS SIMPLE in Design But Precious in its Combination of Materials. The Legs and Frame Are Available in Brass-Plated or Black Metal Versions While the Upholtered Seat Seat and Back Are Covered in Leather Or Velvet.
INES A FABRIC-UPHOLSED Chair That Brings Classic 1950s Design Back Into The Limelight. Soft and Colourful with Rounded Lines, INS Is Dedicated to People Who IT is Available in Different Fabrics, from a version printed with leaves to a vintage version and maka for outdoor use.

258 Products