Art Nouveau jardiniere, Early 20th Century-Riu-1364699
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $754.62List priceunit price sugar$736.33Discount $754.62
Final price : $709.62
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Art Nouveau Jewelled Vases Paste and Silver Pewter by Charles Schneider, Set of 2-GOE-1091829
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $3,822.59List priceunit price sugar$3,718.16Discount $3,822.59
Final price : $3,596.59
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Art Nouveau Jewellery Box, Germany, 1900S-BKO-1797548
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $709.68List priceunit price sugar$690.58Discount $709.68
Final price : $667.68
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Art Nouveau jewelry Box-AIU-1300220
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $352.17List priceunit price sugar$344.48Discount $352.17
Final price : $331.17
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Art Nouveau Jug in IRIDESCENT Glass from Pallme König, Bohemia, 1890S-QZZ-172347
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $563.90List priceunit price sugar$548.95Discount $563.90
Final price : $530.90
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau Jugs, Set of 2-WMV-1126965
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $708.15List priceunit price sugar$691.40Discount $708.15
Final price : $666.15
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau Kitchen Cabinet-PXE-2031894
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $2,647.57List priceunit price sugar$2,887.40Discount $2,647.57
Final price : $2,491.57
When applying membership/cash discount8% -
Art Nouveau Lacquered & Painted Planter with Flowers and Birds-IJR-1145186
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Parcel 1~2monthsList price $1,146.62List priceunit price sugar$1,122.86Discount $1,146.62
Final price : $1,078.62
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Art Nouveau Lady with Muff Figurine Attributed to Konrad Hentschel for Meissen, 1906-EMT-1812077
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $9,601.20List priceunit price sugar$9,334.79Discount $9,601.20
Final price : $9,034.20
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Art Nouveau Lamp for a Watchmaker and a Goldsmith from Carl Zeiss-Caq-1007785
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $312.01List priceunit price sugar$306.35Discount $312.01
Final price : $294.01
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Art Nouveau Lamp with Silver-Plated Metal Foot with Ceramic Insert and Suitable Fabric Screen, 1890S-HOI-1785810
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $570.11List priceunit price sugar$557.98Discount $570.11
Final price : $536.11
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Art Nouveau Lamp-CAQ-1033555
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Parcel 1~2monthsList price $292.05List priceunit price sugar$291.37Discount $292.05
Final price : $275.05
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Art Nouveau Lantern in Brass with Glass, 1900S-My-1229121
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,068.55List priceunit price sugar$1,045.50Discount $1,068.55
Final price : $1,005.55
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau Leather Armchairs, Set of 2-WMV-1127756
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $5,555.66List priceunit price sugar$5,482.73Discount $5,555.66
Final price : $5,227.66
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau Leather Chairs, 1920s, Set of 2-WQQ-1246075
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,035.00List priceunit price sugar$1,060.65Discount $1,035.00
Final price : $974.00
When applying membership/cash discount2% -
Art Nouveau Leather Dining Chairs by Riemerschmid for deutsche Werkstten Hellerau, 1920s, set of 4-jp-1332445
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $5,251.92List priceunit price sugar$5,154.89Discount $5,251.92
Final price : $4,941.92
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Art Nouveau Leather Side Chair by Richard Riemerschmid for Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, 1920s-JP-1335422
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $1,376.09List priceunit price sugar$1,387.59Discount $1,376.09
Final price : $1,295.09
When applying membership/cash discount0% -
Art Nouveau LEGRAS VASE Printania Series, 1900S-GNX-2019780
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,303.87List priceunit price sugar$1,270.32Discount $1,303.87
Final price : $1,226.87
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau LEGRAS VASES, SET of 2-rvk-1793542
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,498.42List priceunit price sugar$1,457.80Discount $1,498.42
Final price : $1,409.42
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Nouveau Lidded Bowl with Iridescence, 1900S-FSD-1170199
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $684.40List priceunit price sugar$666.53Discount $684.40
Final price : $644.40
When applying membership/cash discount