Art Deco Glass Vase by Robert Schrötter for Inwald, Czechoslovakia, 1930S-MyM-202897
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $574.12List priceunit price sugar$559.89Discount $574.12
Final price : $540.12
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Art Deco Glass Vase from R. Schrötter, Inwald, Czechoslovakia, 1970S-BKO-177493
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $436.68List priceunit price sugar$425.25Discount $436.68
Final price : $410.68
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glass Vase with Silver Decorations by Karl Palda, 1930S-RAQ-1351485
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $336.07List priceunit price sugar$328.08Discount $336.07
Final price : $316.07
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glass Vase, Austria, 1920s-TQA-1321886
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $911.91List priceunit price sugar$888.96Discount $911.91
Final price : $857.91
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glass Vase, Austria, 1920s-TQA-1321968
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $664.36List priceunit price sugar$647.11Discount $664.36
Final price : $625.36
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Art Deco Glass Vase, Belgium, 1930S-BKO-1451497
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $358.48List priceunit price sugar$350.08Discount $358.48
Final price : $337.48
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Art Deco Glass Vases, Set of 2-WMV-1127613
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Parcel 1~2monthsList price $2,669.29List priceunit price sugar$2,598.30Discount $2,669.29
Final price : $2,511.29
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Art Deco Glass Vases, Vienna, 1920s, Set of 2-spd-699163
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $684.47List priceunit price sugar$666.61Discount $684.47
Final price : $644.47
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glass Vinegar and Oil Dispensers, 1920S-SPD-1326297
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $425.74List priceunit price sugar$414.58Discount $425.74
Final price : $400.74
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Art Deco Glass Washboard, 1930S-CAQ-1397073
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $212.38List priceunit price sugar$210.02Discount $212.38
Final price : $199.38
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glasses and Carafe in Glass and Silver, set of 8-WSV-1338642
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $631.54List priceunit price sugar$614.71Discount $631.54
Final price : $594.54
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glazed Ceramic Sculpture by Charles Lemanceau-TKR-912628
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Parcel 1~2monthsList price $1,505.61List priceunit price sugar$1,469.65Discount $1,505.61
Final price : $1,416.61
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glazed Ceramic Tile by Gilliot, 1930S-VDW-751585
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $146.29List priceunit price sugar$143.46Discount $146.29
Final price : $137.29
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Glazed Pottery Bowl by Herman August Kähler, 1920S-LCR-1778124
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $527.35List priceunit price sugar$513.81Discount $527.35
Final price : $496.35
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Globe on Aluminum Stand from Columbus Oestergaard, 1950S-VRE-712967
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $421.60List priceunit price sugar$410.92Discount $421.60
Final price : $396.60
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Globe on Classic Dark BeeCh Stand from Columbus Oestergaard, 1970-Ver-712969
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $303.23List priceunit price sugar$296.04Discount $303.23
Final price : $285.23
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Gloria Luster Ginger Jar from Grays Pottery, 1915-SIZ-2021299
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $364.58List priceunit price sugar$356.22Discount $364.58
Final price : $342.58
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Art Deco Goat with Bird in a Pastoral Scene in Spelter on Marble After Irénée Rochard, 1920-1930s-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak-Sak
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $400.65List priceunit price sugar$391.95Discount $400.65
Final price : $376.65
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Goblet in Yellow Glass Paste, 1930S-WFS-2022266
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $2,830.19List priceunit price sugar$2,754.30Discount $2,830.19
Final price : $2,663.19
When applying membership/cash discount -
Art Deco Gold Glass Perfume Bottle from Caron Paris-XHV-899831
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $665.65List priceunit price sugar$647.55Discount $665.65
Final price : $626.65
When applying membership/cash discount