Out -of -stock
Antique Nightstand in Walnut-EAD-1819479
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $2,249.42List priceunit price sugar$2,295.87Discount $2,249.42
Final price : $2,116.42
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique Nightstand in Wood, 1900-YSY-1268592
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,035.33List priceunit price sugar$1,072.75Discount $1,035.33
Final price : $974.33
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique Nightstand with Marble Top, 1890s-PNJ-2023554
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $515.34List priceunit price sugar$554.84Discount $515.34
Final price : $485.34
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique No. 18 Dining Chair from Jacob & Josef Kohn, 1900-SJU-994546
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $830.13List priceunit price sugar$883.25Discount $830.13
Final price : $781.13
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique No. 4 Cafe Chair by Michael Thonet-OTV-803333
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $2,088.14List priceunit price sugar$2,145.35Discount $2,088.14
Final price : $1,965.14
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Antique No. 414 Chairs by Marcel Kammer for Thonet, 1890s, Set of 2-TLV-2021546
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,415.41List priceunit price sugar$1,467.11Discount $1,415.41
Final price : $1,331.41
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique No. 57 Dining Chairs from Josef Hoffmann, 1900s, Set of 2-SJU-658996
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $849.63List priceunit price sugar$898.75Discount $849.63
Final price : $799.63
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Antique No. 698 Chair from Gebrüder Thonet Vienna, 1910S-TZ-774568
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,606.81List priceunit price sugar$1,652.86Discount $1,606.81
Final price : $1,511.81
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Out -of -stock
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,827.05List priceunit price sugar$4,907.27Discount $4,827.05
Final price : $4,542.05
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $6,446.51List priceunit price sugar$6,561.20Discount $6,446.51
Final price : $6,065.51
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,342.12List priceunit price sugar$4,414.04Discount $4,342.12
Final price : $4,085.12
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $3,318.51List priceunit price sugar$3,375.46Discount $3,318.51
Final price : $3,122.51
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique North China Hotel Console Table, 19th Century-RJQ-868601
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $2,219.90List priceunit price sugar$2,354.88Discount $2,219.90
Final price : $2,088.90
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique North German Late Empire Polished Mahogany Corner Cabinet-UY-1249237
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $5,562.59List priceunit price sugar$5,755.46Discount $5,562.59
Final price : $5,233.59
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique North Spanish Bench with Storage, Late 19th Century-TCS-1820630
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $5,008.39List priceunit price sugar$5,280.19Discount $5,008.39
Final price : $4,712.39
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique North Western Runner-YMM-1061937
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,212.98List priceunit price sugar$4,279.66Discount $4,212.98
Final price : $3,963.98
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique North Western Runner-YMM-1062043
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $9,300.13List priceunit price sugar$9,351.62Discount $9,300.13
Final price : $8,750.13
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique North Western Runner-YMM-1062114
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Parcel 1~2monthsList price $6,109.59List priceunit price sugar$6,157.89Discount $6,109.59
Final price : $5,748.59
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Antique Northern European Armchair, 1900S-BXB-1798956
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,637.83List priceunit price sugar$1,696.73Discount $1,637.83
Final price : $1,540.83
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Antique Northern European Tableware Set, 1915, set of 4-zci-752630
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $491.31List priceunit price sugar$492.06Discount $491.31
Final price : $462.31
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock