Out -of -stock
Cabinet Console by Piero Buttoni-NJV-1257196
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $6,728.27List priceunit price sugar$6,789.91Discount $6,728.27
Final price : $6,330.27
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Cabinet de curiosit? Open Modular Wooden Bookcase (Request Info)
Seller:BonaldoOrder-made Wholesale priceOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet for Ry Mobler, 1960s-Fun-1385541
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,616.21List priceunit price sugar$4,795.19Discount $4,616.21
Final price : $4,343.21
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet Frame-WMV-1127736
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $1,549.46List priceunit price sugar$1,583.04Discount $1,549.46
Final price : $1,457.46
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet from up závody-jun-929028
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,355.63List priceunit price sugar$1,459.57Discount $1,355.63
Final price : $1,275.63
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Cabinet in Mahogany Veneer and Brass, Italy, 1950s-VMM-809383
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $3,196.73List priceunit price sugar$3,472.59Discount $3,196.73
Final price : $3,007.73
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in MAPLE from United Workshops, 1960S-UG-1306412
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $6,505.84List priceunit price sugar$6,716.78Discount $6,505.84
Final price : $6,121.84
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in Polished Mahogany and Walnut, 1880-1723447
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,182.62List priceunit price sugar$4,353.34Discount $4,182.62
Final price : $3,935.62
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in Rosewood and Maple-RPW-1723675
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $5,274.52List priceunit price sugar$5,648.24Discount $5,274.52
Final price : $4,962.52
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in Rosewood, Mahogany and Brass, 1930s-SC-2022126
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $12,269.48List priceunit price sugar$12,472.23Discount $12,269.48
Final price : $11,544.48
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in Spruce and Plywood-GUH-1774328
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $825.78List priceunit price sugar$902.04Discount $825.78
Final price : $776.78
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in the Style of Charles Dudouyt, 1930S-OWS-1743307
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $7,885.07List priceunit price sugar$8,110.44Discount $7,885.07
Final price : $7,419.07
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Cabinet in the Style of Kaare Klint by C. B. Hansen, Denmark-SC-956544
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $39,938.22List priceunit price sugar$40,108.46Discount $39,938.22
Final price : $37,578.22
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet in the Style of Otto Schulz, 1930s-KO-1010945
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $10,571.33List priceunit price sugar$10,720.74Discount $10,571.33
Final price : $9,946.33
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Cabinet Miniature with Mig 15 and Mig 19 Planes, Poland, 1950s-ZCY-1375690
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $693.78List priceunit price sugar$695.75Discount $693.78
Final price : $652.78
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Cabinet Shelf in Brass, Chrome and Glass in the Style of Renato Levi, Italy, 1970S-Lyq-1214937
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $3,807.69List priceunit price sugar$3,863.56Discount $3,807.69
Final price : $3,582.69
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Cabinet with Bookcase by Hubert Nepozitek & Bohumil Landsman for Jitona, 1960S-NIT-1335987
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $1,847.37List priceunit price sugar$1,992.79Discount $1,847.37
Final price : $1,738.37
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet with Drawers, 1940s-NQ-570919
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $4,182.30List priceunit price sugar$4,363.17Discount $4,182.30
Final price : $3,935.30
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Cabinet with Glass Doors in Teak from Dyrlund, 1970s-BZB-2033838
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price Vintage Sea freight 3~4monthsList price $7,703.25List priceunit price sugar$8,308.10Discount $7,703.25
Final price : $7,248.25
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock -
Out -of -stock
Cabinet with Plywood Door, 1940-RAQ-2016957
Seller:VintageOversea stocks Local price VintageList price $957.35List priceunit price sugar$1,014.34Discount $957.35
Final price : $900.35
When applying membership/cash discountOut -of -stock