Collection: Studio Inma bermúdez

Studio inma bermúdez is based in valencia, spain. Founded in 2007 by Industrial Designer inma bermúdez, in 2009 Moritz krefter Joined the Studio. Our Work is Focused Mainly on Furniture We Develop Products for Different Companies from All Over the World Like Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, India and Colombia. We Complement Our Work at the Studio Teaching in Different Design Schools.

INMA BERMúdez (Spain, 1977) Studied Industrial Design at the University Cardenal Herra in Valencia As well as the school And Design of Porzheim, Germany. She Began Her Professional Career in Industrial Design Working for German Design Studios likes Idea, Busse Design and Prodesign. Shehelso Collaborated at the Vitra Design Museum Workshops in Southwest France, Taking on the Roles of Program Coordinator, Public Relations, As Well As assistant to the designers sigga heimis, jaime hayón and the Studio Culdesac. SINCE 2007 is collaborating Regularly for the Swedish Brand Ikea and the Spanish Porcelain Manufacture Lladró.

Moritz krefter (Germany, 1978) Studied Architecture at the University Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany. Hegan His Professional Career in Paris at the Studio Jourda Architectes ( Southwest of France. Ther, He Was Head of the Workshop and Responsable of the Construction of a Center Japanese House and SEVERAL AUXILIAR Buildings. In 2009 He movie to spain and started freeelancing for Studios likes fernando menis, culesac, hector serlano Exhibition "Vertical Village" by MVRDV in Hamburg.

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