Roche Bobois is a French Company Producing Furniture of Design and Counting Over 250 Shops Around. Roche Bobois Sofas and Armchairs, Tables and Chairs, Beds and Complems Alike, Are All Original PieCes A High level of customization. ROCHE BOBOIS FURNITURE PIECES Are Made in Collaboration with World Famous Designers likes likes like or ITO, sacha lakic, christophe Delcourt, Stephen Burks and with Outstanding Fashion Fashion House Such as Jean Paultier, Missoni Home, Christian Lacroix Maison. Roche Bobois Production Encompasseses Two Macro Collections. Les Contemporaines, Drawn by Talents from the Worlds of Design and Fashion, As Well As by Young Artists, Designers and Architects. IT Draws from Modern Design Trends, Including Unusual Ideas, Sophistate Materials and Know-How. Les Nouveaux ClassiqueSiques Stylish Pieces of Furniture Using Nose Woods, The Finest Leathers, The Most Exclusive Imagination and to the manifurers ’mastery.
Roche Bois Sofas and Furniture
Today Roche Bobois Disposes of a Large Offer to Furnish with Style Both the Living and the Night Zones of the House Solutions for the Outdoor, Accessories and Complements. Each of Roche Bobois Pieces of Furniture Has a Unique Character of Its Own. The Company Allows Its Customers to Customize The Products Till The TINIEST DETAIL. Clients can choose among shapes, colors, leathers, woods, finishes, getting as a result a pieces a piège unique.
Roche Bobois Furniture Are EXCLUSIVELY PRODUCED in Europe with Extreme Care for the Natural Resources and the Environment. Roche Bobois Pays Great Attation to the Sustainability of the Materials Used, The Quality of the Finishes, Transport Optimization, The Separability of the Materials employed and to the minimization of the co2 levels product. Sofas and Furniture Are Normaly a Cause of Environmental Impact. This is the reason Why Rochei Bobois Accurately Studies the Whole Life Cycle of Its Products from FaBrication, To Packaging, Transport and Use, UNTIL REACHING The Recycling of their Components. With an AIM to Measure The Environmental Impact of a Product Throughput ITS Entire Life, in 2012 The Eco6 Assessment Tool for Qualitative Evaluation Was Developed. IT Founded Its Analysis On 6 Parameters Related to 6 Different Steps of a Product Life Cycle. By Performing an analysis 6 STEPS on Over 150 Products, The Company Has Been Able to Understand How to Reduce ITS Environmental Impact. In 2015, Thanks to a Collaboration with FCBA A Product Life Cycle, Each One Analyzed in a Crosscut Way According to 2 Criteria.
Birth and History of Roche Bobois
Roche Bobois Company Was Born from the Encounter Between Two Families, The Roche and the Chouchan. In 1950 Jaques Roche Inaugurated a Furniture Shop, Mainly Influency by Bauhaus, in the Ancient Alexandre Dumas Theater, In Rue de Lyon in Paris. In Parallel the Chouchan Family Were Selling Furniture in Boulevard Sébastopol “Au Beau Bois”, Which Further on BeCame Bobois. In 1960, Philippe and François Roche, from One Side, and Jean-Claude Chouchan, From the other, Took Part in the Import Furniture with a Scandinavian Design to Paris. They decided to putting together the first circuit and set up a first National Distribution Network in the form of a franchising. In 1961 The Launched Their First National Advertising Campaign on the Magazine Elle. SINCE The '60s Rochebois Has Been Appearing as a single brand, Reporting sign the beginking extraordinary sales.
In the ‘70S The Company Launched Its Sofas Collections Les Contemporaines, Followed in the Decade Traditional Furniture. The '90S Were the years when the Voyage Collection Was Launched, Embodying the Fusion Among Multiple StyleS and the Introduction of Ethnic Furniture. In 2000 Rochebois Expanded ITS DITS DHE WORLD by Opening Different Shops in Exclusive Locations Such As the Ancient Lupari Palace in BOLOGNA or The Futuristic Building in Montry, and initiated Various Collaborations with Designers and Architects. In 2010, Rochebois Celebrated ITS 50 years Activity by Starting a Collaboration with the Famous French Styrist Jean Pautier Underlines the Connection Between Fashion and Furniture. Today, Roche Bobois, Established Protagonist of High-Hand Furniture, Is Represented in 50 Countries with more than 250