Collection: Maurici ginés

Maurici Ginés Is Founder and Creative Director of Artec Studio, An International Studio with 25 years of Experience Expressions of Light to Create Revealing and Immersive Experiences that infuse a positive impact on people. With Office in Barcelona, ​​Mexico City, Madrid and New York; His Work Has Been Recognised with the ADI Fad Golden Delta, German Design Award, Grand Laus, As Well as International and National Lighting Design Awards SUCH AS IALD, LDA, LTI AWARDS AMONG Others.

Maurici Is a Pioneer in His Field, Founder and First President of APDI Spain Association Association and Invited Professional Guidelines for Its First Postgraduate in Lighting Design, He is Always in Search of Innovative Discourse Around Designing with Light. His Designs Are Essential, Functional and Poetical. They seek to bring the beauty of light to people in balance, though down to the Smallest Detail to make you smile, to make you feel.

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