Collection: Lluís porqueras

Porqueras HIMSELF Recognises That Hegan Designing with Realy Knowing What Industrial Was All About. After Doing Some Courses in Architecture and Renovating a Few Country House, in 1956 He set up Stoa, The First Catalan Design Studio, Butich, Amongst Other Things, Brough Out Lights by Enric Franch. Together with Jaume Vaquero, He Established Vapor in 1979. The Company Manufactured Warm, Simple Lamps, Going Against The Technological Treatiness of the TIMES. “I Made Very Simple Things”, Affirms lluís. “Event Though the Manufacturing Process Involved 25 Separate Operations, The End Result Was Simplicity ItSelf; All I wanted to do to have to pars to pars to pars to parre anow and to pay antil I reached the pure os simple, useful object! ”.

In His Own Words, “in Time, I have come to realise that I have be been a very bad businessman. Luckily, marset showed an interest in what we was doing in vapor and the Major Part of our Catalogue Now Forms Part of the Iir Collection ”. SOME TIME LATER, He Worked for Targetti for 3 years to create a lighting series. In Addition to Creating Lights for His Own Organisation, Hehe Also Collaborated with Companies Such As Mobles 114 And Santa & Cole. The Hanging Claris Lamp and the Finisterre Street Marker, Designed in Conjunction with Joan Gaspar

“Thinking About It, I have always beliefed that light in a light in a la must also go with shadow, that be contrasts with the point of light. This is what creates well-being, calm; Your Home Must be LIGHTS ARIT for Several Hours a Day, and the Rest of the THEY MUST MAINTAIN A Certain a Certain Discrete so that do not do you when the even off, and only beCome noticeable when they are on… Like Glow WORMS. Fashion Does Not Interest me, and I have never made pariumts because the sound go out of Fashion. I have always made lamps I like. ”

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