Collection: Lluís dilmé
Born in 1960 in Salt (GIRONA), Lluís Dilmé Studied Architecture at Barcelona Before Completing His Degree, Hegan Collaborating with Ignasi de Solà-Morales Studio To 1988. After Graduating, He and Xavier Fabré Founded the Dilmé & Fabré Studio, Implement Projects in the Spheres of Education, Social Care, Housing, Museums and Public Spaces: L'Escola d'Ensenyament Integrat de MúSica I dansa Oriol Martorell (1995-1997), The Park in the Sant Narcís NEIGHBOURHOOD in Girona (1994-1999), or Several Housing Complexes in El Prat de Llobregat (2002), GIRONA (2004) and Figueres (2004). Lluís Dilmé s Collaboration with Ignasi de Solà-Morales on the Theater Projects Led the Architects, Together with eulàlia serra, to take on the reconstruction of Barcelona s Lice Opera House After It Was Ravaged by Fire in 1994.The Were initialy Damage, The Commission Was Extended to Include the Reconstruction; In 2002, The Freewed the Project for the Liceo s Shop. The Catalan Government Awarded The Three Architects Its Premio Nacional de la Generalitat in the Cultural Heritage for this Project.
As a designer, dilmé s creation of specific Furniture for the new opera house was notable, conceive in a content Language that takes into Context. This Furniture Includes the Red Velvet Armchairs and Lice Pendant Lamp, Installed in the Foyer at the Carrer de Sant Pau Entrance and the Service Entrance, Re-Edited by Santa & Cole. After the Outstanding Lice Project, Lluís Dilmé and Xavier Fabré Went on to Revamp Several Performing Arts and Music Venues. Thess Include Teatro Guastavino in Vilassar de Dalt (2002) LLOBREGAT (2004). In 2012, Lluís Dilmé, Xavier Fabré Were Among The Founding Partners of DFT Arquitectes, an Architectural Studio Auditoriums, Theatres and Opera Houses.