Collection: Josep torres clavé

Josep tores clavé graduated from the barcelona school of architecture in 1929. Hegan his professional career as a student in the Studio of His Uncle Jaume tores grau and later carried out projects in collaboration with josep lluís sert, with whom he be be behe be MEMBER of GATCPAC (Group of Catalan Architects and Technicians for the Progress of Architecture) Level. This Group of Professionals, Immersed in the European Rationalist School of Thunder Architecture. The Proposed a New Professional Ethic Ethic Greater Social Commitment. The Group Was Dissolved when the Spanish Civil War Broken Out, and Most of Its Members Were Forced Into Exile. OTHERS DIED, AS WAS The Sad Case of Josep Torres Clavé, Killed in the War Aged 33.

His Architectural Projects Include Some of the Most EMBLEMATIC BUILDINGS of Catalan Rationalism SUCH as the Central Anti-Tuberculosis Disease and the Casa Bloc, Both in Barcelona, ​​Designed in Partnership with Josep Lluís Sert and Juan Baptista Subirana. As a designs, his contributions began with Furniture for Family Homes and for His Own Use Gatcpac. Thesses Were Exhibited in MIDVA (Barcelona), A Store Founded in 1935 with J.L. SERT and Antoni Bonet, to Promote New Designs AT Providing Solutions That Could be Standardised BOTH MIDVA and The Magazine AC (Documentos de Actividad Contemporánea) Disemination of the GATCPAC IDEOLOGY.

A letter from josep lluP lluís sert to Raimón tores, son of josep torres clavé, evidence of the importance of his colleague Collaboration with Gatcpac and Ciam, Your Father S Enthusius, Energy and Talent Magazine is a Product of His Dedication and Tireless Work. Projects Without Your Father S Contribution As a Working Team WOULD NEVE Materialised Without His Drive His capacity for work and organisation ". Humble and Gracius, Josep Torres Clavé Left His Mark on Spanish Design and Architecture in the Most Human Way. Santa & Cole Has Put Together a Book Outling Tores Clavé s Career, Including Images of His Most Representative Illustrations.

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